Sunday, November 6, 2011

Been a crazy few weeks

Well it's been a crazy few weeks without running.  On Oct. 25, 2011 my husband was hit from behind while jogging in the bike land because there wasn't any sidewalks or grass to run in, and I PRAISE GOD for keeping him safe and keeping him here on the earth with us longer.   The police officer told us you aren't suppose to run in the bike lane, which we didn't know that.  I've taken a few weeks off, but I know i need to get back on track.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday back on track

Well I have slacked the last few weeks.  So today I needed to get my butt into gear.  So today I packed up the kids by 8am and we headed to the park.  Got 2 miles in, in under 25 minutes average 12.15 minute miles and I FELT GREAT!!!!  Then i took the babies to the park and they had so much fun.  So hopefully I can stay on track.  Looking at signing up for a few 5k before this crazy half marathon i'm running in December.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

in the heat of south florida

Well, today the hubs came home and we decided to go for our training at NOON yes NOON is south Florida is like running in the desert.  I only ran 2 and the hubs ran 3, but it felt great to get out and run with the kids.  After we got home "I" put on my running shoes and "B" sat in the stroller.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she was taking B for a run.  Love those little comments that are so sweet.  I glad that we are creating a positive activity in their lives.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

first run/walk

Well today was my first run/walk since April and to be honest I thought i was going to have a heat stroke.. I took the kids out in the double stroller was planning on doing my 2 miles as my How to Train for your first 1/2 marathon told me, but i figured I could do 3 miles then 3.46 miles later and 48.32 minutes later average of 14.02 min per miles we were done and the kids got to play at the park.  Needless to say we need to get up earlier when its cooler.  I hope we make it to december..

Monday, September 5, 2011

here goes nothing

So Bry and I have signed up to run our first marathon (he's running that) and I'm running my first 1/2 marathon.  I made my New Year's resolution aka my bucket list and this year i will have been able to cross off at least 3 off my list.  I ran my first 5k in Feb., and a few more 5k's while pushing the double stroller, my first 10k in April and going to run my first 1/2 marathon in December.  I'm super excited to finally cross off a goal that I have set for myself.  Plus I'm glad that my husband and I are getting healthy and running in front of our 2 children.  Since January I have lost 30lbs, but joining weight watchers and running, and I'm so proud of myself.